December 30, 2009


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ISOTOP PHOTO AWARD 2010 (19-12-2009) 推介礼

December 17, 2009

印象麻坡 - 傳。奇。真。善。美。

投射,準備上映一幕浪漫、神秘的 "金山公主傳奇" 。驚醒的百鳥與蟲齊鳴,此起彼落的配樂。小鳥們啾啾的轉告想要迎親金山公主的馬六甲蘇丹:快找來七盤蚊子心、七缸處女之淚、七缸檳榔汁吧!然後,再從馬六甲搭建金橋到金山。還有,還有。。別忘了您愛子的血。


再讓我們追溯婉蜒曲折的麻河,她不辭勞苦的從彭享州奔流而下,以優雅的姿態來到了麻坡,在馬六甲海峽棲息。麻河說,她愛麻南,也愛麻北,因為麻縣和禮讓縣都是她的骨肉。仔細看,原來麻坡頭上有一頂非常美麗的后冠,因為她坐擁香妃城 “Bandar Maharani”






发扬麻坡县市多元化精彩特色,鼓励说有摄影爱好者拍摄所有麻坡县市山水人文之美,捕捉精彩画面,影像精华,由麻坡摄影商会主催,麻坡中华总商会,麻坡家具同业会一起联办 - ISOTOP PHOTO AWARD 2010 IMPRESSIONS of MUAR 印象麻坡摄影比赛。

Isotop Corporation Sdn Bhd Canon Public Photo Suppliers Weprimo Sdn Bhd 鼎力支助。

印象麻坡摄影比赛主题:传。奇。真。善。美。,展现麻坡之精彩、精华、精粹的印象。 从金山麻河人文背景,以各族名俗文化,宗教信仰,校园生活,品味饮食,建筑地标,名胜古迹,交通设施,人文风情,自然景观环境等文化麻坡印象特色。


冠军: RM 1,200.00 奖状一张 Canon G11 相机一台
亚军: RM 500.00 奖状一张
季军: RM 300.00 奖状一张
优秀奖: RM 100.00 奖状一张 - 10

征求麻坡老照片奖金: RM 100.00 - 10 ( 佳作入选 )


Isotop Photo Award 2010印象麻坡摄影比赛

印象麻坡摄影比赛 参赛规则



赞助单位︰Isotop Corporation S/B, Canon, Public Photo Supplies, Weprimo S/B

1. 比赛目的:为发扬麻坡县市多元化精彩特色,鼓励所有摄影爱好者拍摄所有麻坡县市山水人文之美,捕捉精彩画面,影像精华,把麻坡迈向世界,让世界走到麻坡,相互交流,共创美好未来!

2. 作品內容:以金山麻河各族人文背景:民俗文化 / 宗教信仰 / 校园生活 / 品味饮食、建筑地标、名胜古迹、交通设施、人文风情、自然景观等皆能反应麻坡印象特色者皆符合本比赛主题.

3. 比赛主題:「传 展现麻坡之最精彩、精华、精粹的印象

4. 比赛组别:

A组:生活与文化 - 麻坡各族的历史文化遗产、人文风情、宗教信仰、民俗文化、生活活动、校园生活及风俗习惯。

B组:自然与环境 - 麻坡的自然景观、自然生态、建筑地标、名胜古迹、交通设施。

C组:品味饮食- 麻坡各族的特色美食与小吃。

5. 拍摄地点范围 : 麻坡区域 : 麻坡市区、吧口、吧冬、红桥、吧西、班卒、吧莪、岭嘉及武吉哈蓬等... 东甲区域: 东甲市区、武吉港脚、利丰港、吉双、实廊、武吉甘蜜、玉射及砂益等...

6. 每组比赛奖项︰冠军: RM 1,200.00 奖状一张+ CANON G11、亞军: RM 500.00 +奖状一张、季军: RM 300.00 +奖状一张、优秀奖: RM 100.00 奖状一张x 10

7. 征求麻坡老照片奖 : RM 100.00 x 10份佳作入选, 免参赛费。

8. 比赛公开给国内外所有公众人士及摄影爱好者参与。

9. 参赛作品需为参赛者本人作品,不限件数,但每件作品必须为符合主題。如有不符参赛主题或违反善良风俗者,主办单位有权取消参赛资格,有关引发之争议并由参赛者自行负责。

10. 参赛作品尺寸一律以8R 8X 12(SUPER 8R) 照片为标准。

11. 每张参赛作品背面需写明参赛者姓名(中英文)、地址、电话、 参赛组别、作品编号、 题名, 与参赛表格内所填写者完全相符。(照片不可装裱在卡纸上)

12. 参赛作品张数不受限制,可采取传统菲林相机、或数位相机拍摄,禁止刻意使用电脑加工,随意更改实际景物及谢绝实际合成作品,只允许相片裁剪,调整光暗对比度,彩色饱和度及锐化度。

13. 参赛作品需为未参加其他比赛或公开发表。作品著作权有争议、所有权已被买断者,请勿参加本活动,违反者不予评审;已得奖者,取消得奖资格,并回收已领取之所有奖项,包含奖状及奖金、奖品、纪念品等。其涉著作权侵害之法律责任由参赛者自行负责。

14. 所有参赛作品将不退回,参赛及得奖作品将归主办当局所有,主办单位有权将任何参赛或得奖作品在不需要付出任何版权酬金下公开使用。

15. 邮寄作品前,请先行妥善包装保护;邮寄作品不能作为截止收件证据,比赛作品如因邮递过程中有任何损坏或遗失,主办单位不负任何赔偿责任。

16. 邮寄作品时,连同参赛报名表及原始档案(JPG / TIF Resolution 300 pdi )录制成光碟CD档案一同寄出,未符合此规定者或逾期交件皆不予受理,且所有参赛作品均不退回。

17. 每名参赛报名费RM30,首两百名参赛者赠印象麻坡T恤衫一件。

付款方式: 存入主办单位银行户口 MAYBANK A/C No. 1014 1315 3269 , 收款人: Persatuan Perniagaan Juru Gambar Negeri Johor ~Cawangan Daerah Muar.
如参赛者不缴交参赛费, 作品将不给予评选及退回。

18. 报名费(正版银行存入单)、报名表、参赛作品照片及CD一同邮寄,信封注明:
ISOTOP PHOTO AWARD 2010 印象麻坡摄影比赛 No. MYP 121-1, 3 3/4 Mile, Jalan Bakri, 84000Darul Takzim, Malaysia. Tel: 06-986 0633 H/P:012-6317 633 Muar, Johor

19. 每组参赛者只能赢取冠、亞、季军其中一份奖及最多赢取二份优秀奖。

20. 所有得奖者需配合前往本活动颁奖典礼領取奖项,得奖名单将通知及公布於主要媒体。

21. 评审团之裁决为最后之决定,任何口头或书面之投诉,慨不受理。

22. 凡参赛者均被认为同意接受本细则所列之条文, 而不能有异议。

23. 本简章如有未尽处,本会有权随时增删之。

24. 截止报名日期:所有参赛作品必须在2010830, 星期一, 下午5点前, 寄交主办单位办事处。


ISOTOP PHOTO AWARD 2010 Impression Muar - Rules & Regulations

Organizers Persatuan Perniagaan Juru Gambar Negeri Johor ~ Cawangan Daerah Muar

Co-organizer Chinese Chamber of Commerce Muar, Muar Furniture Association

Sponsor Isotop Corporation S/B; Co-sponsorCanon, Public Photo Supplies, Weprimo S/B

1. Competition Objective :
To promote and highlight interesting impressions surrounding the urban and rural features of Muar. This award search, for captivating and brilliant images of lifestyle, the environment and food, to be showcase to the world, outside Muar. These images are for cultural exchange and promoting Muar as an interesting destination.

2. Works of content :
Cultural background with Gunung Ledang and Muar river, whether all races: folk culture / religion / campus life / taste of food, landmark buildings, monuments, transport facilities,culture and customs, natural landscape have encountered reactions Muar impression consistent
with this theme.

3. Competition Theme :
Legend story . Honest . Friendly . Beautiful . show the most exciting &
essence of muar.

4. Category :
Category A : Life & Culture - Events, objects or activities connecting the Muar people or their cultural heritage and all walks of life ,employment, any racial grouping, sports and recreation activities.

Category B : Natural & Environment - Animals, plants and landscapes; geological, historical buildings, monuments, transport facilities or climatological features; and scientific processes common to the Muar area.

Category C: Culinary Style - The characteristics delicious snacks of Muar.

5. Location of coverage:
Muar District : Muar District : Muar Town, Bkt Bakri, Prt Jawa, Sri
Menanti, Bkt Pasir, Panchor, Pagoh, Lenga & Bkt Kepong ...
Tangkak District : Tangkak Town, Bukit Kangkar, Sungai Mati, Kesang, Serom, Bukit Gambir, Grisek & Sagil...

Champion : Cash RM 1,200.00 + certificate + CANON G11,
Runner-up : Cash RM 500.00 + certificate,
Second Runner-up : Cash RM 300.00 + certificate,
Excellence Awards : Cash RM 100.00 + certificate x 10 copies.

7. Muar Old Photos Sought Awards : RM 100.00 x 10 masterpiece selected. No entry fee.

8. It is open to all domestic and foreign participation in the public and photography enthusiasts.

9. Entries for the Competition must be own work, not limited for entries , but each work must be with the theme and specifications. The organizer have the right to disqualify the ineligible contestant.

10. Entries to be 8R or 8 "X 12" (SUPER 8R) color photo.

11. All contestants must state their name, address, contact number, contest category,number of entry and topic clearly at the back of each entry photo. All these must be confirmed to those stated in the application form.
(Photos can not be
mounted on the cardboard)

12. Entries unlimited number of sheets can be taken to a film camera or digital camera to prohibit the deliberate use of computer processing, random changes to the actual synthesis of the actual scene and declined to work, but only to allow photo cropping, adjusting brightness contrast, color saturation degrees and sharpness.

13. Photographs that have won any other contests or have been published in magazines and newspapers (except online) are not eligible. Photos that violate or infringe upon another person's copyright are not eligible.

14. All entries photo will not be returned; the organizers have the right and without pay any copyright fees under the public use.

15. Mailing entries proper packaging protection; mailed entries can not serve as evidence Deadline for the competition entries as a result of the post in the course of any damage or loss, the organizers live up to any liability.

16. Entries mailing - together with the application form and the original digital files (JPG / TIF Resolution 300 pdi), files recorded on compact discs. Not meet this requirement or an overdue items are not eligible, and all entries are not returned.

17. Registration fee RM30 per contestant, Free one Impressions Muar T-shirt for the first 200
contestants. Payment method: Depositedin organizer bank accounts MAYBANK A/C No. 1014 1315 3269, recipient : Persatuan Perniagaan Juru Gambar Negeri Johor ~Cawangan Daerah Muar. All entries would not be returned back to contestant who failed to pay the entry fee with out judgement. The organizer will not be responsible for the list through post.

18. Entry fee (original bank-in slip), Application forms, photo print and CD placed togetherin an envelope addressed.
To : ISOTOP PHOTO AWARD 2010 Impressions of Muar
No. MYP 121-1, 3 3 / 4 Mile, Jalan Bakri, 84000 Muar, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.
Tel : 06-986 0633 H/P: 012-6317 633

19. Each contestant can win only one of the three grand awards with limited of two excellence award.

20. All winners are required to go to this activity with the award presentation ceremony, the correlation details while published in the major media.

21. The decision of the judges shall be final. No further enquires will be entertained.

22. All Contestants must expressly agreed and accept the above conditions.

23. The organizer have the rights to amend the above conditions.

24. Deadline: All entries must be received at the organiser office site by 5pm, Monday, 30 August, 2010.
